International Trumpetmaking Workshop


NEW: “J.A.Bauer, Prag 1827”

Bauer 3fb


Alto sackbut “J.Müller, 1625”

Altposaune m.Bögen



crooks, tubes, bits:

standard – seamless tube
historisch – tube with seam

(price incl. 19% VAT.)

crook for natural trumpet

standard 88,- Euro
historisch 156,- Euro

tuning bit

standard 28,- Euro
historisch 42,- Euro

crook for 3hole system

for model “Riedel” and “Klassik”

E, Eb, D, Db, C, Cb, Bb, A

price: 298,- Euro

gig bag

long model ( Birckholtz, Hainlein, Riedel, 4-hole system trumpets)
(with bag for music sheets outside)

single bag  price: 149,- Euro

double bag price: 284,- Euro

short model (3-hole system or inventionstrumpet)

price: 229,- Euro

new trumpets



original trumpet

Condition of the trumpet

All parts of the original, with the exception of the mouthpiece, are present and apparently original. The surface of the trumpet is badly corroded and tarnished to a brown color, the bell has been deformed, and the garland is partially unattached from the bell. The cord is brown to black colored, the wooden balls in the knotted tassels have been partially damaged by worms.

One of the rings on the bows, for hanging a banner, is missing, and one ring is detached. The bows are dented and distorted. This deteriorated condition certainly protected the trumpet from theft.

i Trompete Original

trumpet from Wolf Birckholtz 1650


Measurement and Documentation

With the assistance of my esteemed colleagues Prof. Richard Seraphinoff and Markus Raquet the original was thoroughly inspected, measured, and photographed, and Richard Seraphinoff then produced a full scale workshop drawing which served as the pattern for the reproduction of the instrument.

Among the wealth of information obtained from the instrument, the following important facts came to light from our investigation:

The trumpet was coated with a protective lacquer probably in the 19th century, which had turned a dark yellow to brown color with time.

The garland, ferrules, and ball were silver plated.

The surface of the Instrument was finished by scraping, which can be clearly seen on the protected place under the ball.

Hand engraved inscription on the bell garland.

Hemp was used to make the joints between the yards and bows airtight.

The block under the cord between the bell and yard was made of pressed paper.

Particularly unusual is the method of construction of the ball, which was not made in the usual manner by soldering two half spheres together, but rather built up from a brass strip. The solder joint is diagonal, and the ferrule is made in two pieces.

A material analysis revealed that the zinc content of the brass is 26.8%. This lies exactly within the normal range of the Nürnberg sheet brass manufacturers from 1650-1750. Other trace elements account for less than 0.1% of the alloy.

The average material thickness is 0.4mm.

The sounding pitch of the instrument is D flat (at A=440Hz). Unfortunately, the original trumpet is not playable.

special design

Natural Trumpet

after “Anton Schnitzer 1585” ( “Bendinelli” or “Brezel trumpet”)

Keyed Trumpet


Bells for the Daniel-Herz-Organ

Frauenkirche in Brixen

in order from Hendrik Ahrend, Organmaker (2010) Rekonstruktion the bells from trombone pipes after hostorical techniques


 (price incl. 19% VAT)


after “Wolf Birckholtz, Nürnberg 1650”
(original from the church in Belitz/Mecklenburg)

Story about the Birckholtz-trumpet here.

Model “exquisit”
bell, bows, tubes with seam, surface scraped
copy original engrave on the garland,
decoration on the ferules and ball, silver plated
pitch in Db, tuning bits and crooks for C, Cb and fine tuning

price: 3.198,- Euro


after “Wolf Birckholtz, Nürnberg 1650”
(original from the church in Belitz/Mecklenburg)

Model “historic” (without original engrave, decoration and silver plated)
bell, bows, tubes with seam, surface scraped
pitch in Db, tuning bits and crooks for C, Cb and fine tuning

price: 2.198,- Euro


after “Hans Hainlein, Nürnberg 1632” 

(original city museum Munich)
after the concept from Dr.Robert Barclay

bell, bows, tubes with seam, surface scraped

pitch in Db, tuning bits and crooks for C, Cb and fine tuning

price: 1.798,- Euro

Langtrompete Hainlein

trumpet after Hans Hainlein, 1632

Baroque trumpet

after ” J.C.Riedel 1752″

(original from “J.C.Riedel, Dresden 1752”  Musikinstrumentenmuseum Leipzig)

long model “historic”  
bell, tubes and bows with seam
pitch in Db, incl. tuning bits and crooks for C, and Cb and fine tuning

price: 1.898,- Euro

Langtrompete Riedel

trumpet after C.F.Riedel, 1752

Model “Riedel”  3-hole

bell handmade with seam,                                                                                    tubes and bows without seam,
incl. crooks for Db and C  (crooks for E, Eb, D, Cb, Bb, A deliverable)

price: 1.998,- Euro

trumpet "Riedel" 3hole

trumpet “Riedel” 3hole

Model “Riedel”  4-hole

bell handmade with seam,                                                                                  tubes and bows without seam,
incl. 4 tone-hole yards (+without holes) and separate crooks for D, Db, C, Cb

price: 2.698,- Euro


trumpet “Riedel” 4-hole


after  Adam Bauer, 1827

handmade bell , bows, tubes with seams, surface scraped

pitch in Eb, tuning bits and crooks for D and fine tuning

price: 1.798,- Euro

Inventions trumpet (classical orchestra trumpet)

after “Carl Missenharter, Ulm um 1860”

Model “historic” 
bell, tubes and all bows with seam,
incl. bits and crooks for F, E, Eb, D, C und Bb

price: 3.198,- Euro

klassische Orchestertrompete

Inventions trumpet (classical orchestra trumpet)

Model “standard”
bell with seam, tube and all bows without seams,
incl. tuning and crooks for F, E, Eb, D, C und Bb

 price: 2.898,- Euro


for natural trumpets

long model

for natural trumpets (long) or 4 hole system.

enough space for tubes, crooks, mouthpieces etc.

belt with metal hook, stable zipper and carry handle, bag for music sheets outside (only by double bag)

made in Europe

single, ( inside 790 mm x 130 mm x 110 mm )         price: 148,- Euro

double, ( inside 790 mm x 260 mm x 110 mm )       price 284,- Euro

short model

for 3hole system or Inventions trumpet.

(inside 590 mm x 260 mm x 110 mm )

enough space for crooks, mouthpieces etc.

belt with metal hook, stable zipper and carry handle

made in Europe

price: 229,- Euro

Birckholtz Trumpet

English Historical > Birckholtz trumpet >Birckholtz Trumpet