
The International Trumpetmaking Workshop, which has been held each year since 1993, in Bloomington, (US,Indiana) and in various European locations, will be offered again during the weeks of June 30 – July 04, 2025 in Brandshagen (Germany). Fully booked !

Under the supervision of Dr. Robert Barclay, and instrument makers Richard Seraphinoff and Michael Münkwitz, participants will make a natural trumpet using the tools and methods described in Dr. Barclay’s book, The Art of the Trumpet-Maker, and also illustrated and described in „Making a Natural Trumpet“, the new workshop guide for the course by Michael Münkwitz, Richard Seraphinoff and Robert Barclay.

The design which participants make is based on an original by the Nuremberg maker Hanns Hainlein (1632). Familiarity with tools and metal working techniques is desirable, but not by any means necessary. In past workshops everyone has been able to complete a playable instrument over the course of the week. The work schedule consists almost exclusively of hands-on workshop time from 9:00am to 5:00pm each day, Monday through Friday. Most participants finish their instruments by Thursday afternoon and have time to practice on your own trumpet. On Friday by the end of the workshop we play together the „Hainlein-Suite“ composed by Richard Seraphinoff.

The tuition is includes all materials, tools and supplies which will be used during the workshop, as well as a copy of the workshop guide „Making a Natural Trumpet“. Enrolment is limited to 10 participants, and reservations are made on a first come, first served basis.

More information about Cambridge (UK).